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Nilgiri Tahr
Nilgiri Tahr is the state animal of Tamil Nadu, whose cultural and ecological significance have been documented and written in the Tamil Sangam Literatures viz., Silappathigaaram  and Seevagasinthamani as early as 2000 years ago. Taking the cultural significance and numerous ecological factors into consideration and to highlight and conserve the State Animal, the Tamil Nadu Government on 28.12.2022, launched an initiative for the conservation of the Nilgiri Tahr. While presenting the Budget 2022-2023, the Honourable Finance Minister made the following announcement, among others in the Legislative Assembly. “For the conservation of Tamil Nadu’s State animal, expansion of its habitat and to spread awareness among the public, the Government will implement ‘Project Nilgiri Tahr’”.

About the project
To develop a better understanding of the Nilgiri Tahr population through surveys and radio telemetry studies.
• Reintroduce the Tahrs to their historical habitat.
• Address proximate threats.
• Increase public awareness of the species


The project will cost Rs.25.14 crore

The project is to be implemented from 2022 to 2027

Nilgiri Tahr Day

October 7 will be celebrated as ‘Niligiri Tahr Day’ in honour of Dr. E.R.C. Davidar who was responsible for pioneering one of the first studies on NilgiriTahr in 1975.

Conservation Status

Of all mountain ungulate species distributed in India, the Nilgiri tahr is the only one that exists in southern India. It is believed to have once been
spread across the entire extent of the Western Ghats. It’s population has been estimated at 3,122 in the wild, according to a report released by WWF India in 2015. A large part of its population has been wiped out from its historical range. The existing populations are under severe stress due to habitat loss and hunting, says research.

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